Monday, January 28, 2013

Marokko - neste stopp Sahara ørkenen

Beste motorsykkelutleier i Marrakech: Loc2Roues

Artikkel fra Mc-avisen.



Kart, pistoler og motgift

Noen ting er så kompliserte og intrikate og raser så kjapt forbi at du egentlig ikke forstår hva du nettopp har sett. Marrakech er en slik ting. Den er så aggressiv og mentalt uttømmende at få mennesker kommer utav byen med sansene intakte.
Vårt forsøk på våpenhandel i det vi trodde var et gyllent glimt in på svartebørsen for ikke å si kart-søk og skorpion-motgift oppdrag var alle katastrofale nedturer som kun gav oss et kart over en random fjelltopp langt utenfor vår reiserute.

For å si noe positivt om byen, kan det nevnes at vi fikk ta på aper i fangenskap og slanger som var så tunge brukere at en psykedelisk "trip" snarer enn døden hadde vært konsekvensene av et bitt.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Art of Sahara

Simple drawings in the dunes of Sahara.

Artist: Kenneth Sunde

Full article of the trip coming on Sunday!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Screenshots teaser

Have started editing the video for this trip, its going to be epic. Just check out the screenshots:

Riding a donkey with local kids, in a tuxedo of course. Suit up!

More screesnhots inside:

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Self warming food?

Se for deg at du er langt ute i ødemarka. Du har ingen muligheter for å lage bål, du har ikke tilgang på vann. Bare å slappe av, "Åpnespis" varmer seg selv på et par minutter og trenger ikke tilsatt vann.

De geniale rettene finnes i disse smakene:
-Lasagne Bolognese
-Pasta Rigatoni

Perfekt mat etter en lang offroad tur ute i villmarka.

Nyter en "Kyllingryte" 

"Hjortegryte" i ørkenen, milevis fra nærmeste vannkilde

Friday, January 18, 2013

Drinking polluted water?

What happens when you drink dirty water from a dirty stream in Northern Africa? Nothing!

We drank many litres of this water and noone got any problems with either stomach or digestion.

A lifesaver bottle removes:

-Bacteria: 99.999995 %
-Virus: 99.999 %
-Chemicals: pesticides, endocrine, disrupting compounds, medical residues and heavy metals

Drinking from a polluted stream i Northern Africa is effortless thanks to Lifesaver systems

Forget about bacteria, chemicals and viruses and drink clean water


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Broken bikes

After 9 days of offroad driving we returned the rental bikes, the owner was NOT happy.


Fixing bikes in the middle of nowhere. Read the angry e-mail below.



Yesterday we recieved this e-mail:

After your return of the bikes, we wish to inform you that your behavior we find little serious, all bikes are back with at least one mirror broken and broken levers.
You need to return the next day to the agency to resolve the damage, we still have the agency in your credit card deposits.
We have trusted and granted a discount greater than for agencies which we have worked with for several years and are very disappointed with your behavior.

We await your explanation.

Thanks Loc2roues for renting bikes to a bunch of retards.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rock rolling = broken finger

Back in Norway, after 9 days and 1000 km on a motorcycle Cato Stensland went to the doctor with his finger.
Yes, it was broken.

Founding father Cato Stensland got a bit too excited and misjudged the size of a rock under a boulder rolling competition. He crushed his finger under it.

Operation on Thursday.

Roll rocks or die trying!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Madness in Marocco

Sunny dunes in Sahara

 Look out for:

-full length article

Here are some keywords:

-flying chickens
-motorcycle stunts