Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Morocco challenges

We're soon bound for unknown territories, the ancient kingdom of Morocco. For our readers excitement the crew has agreed to meet the best challenges you can give us. Once we have enough suggestions a poll will take place.



 Our plans which you can make challenges for:


-New years eve at North Africas biggest nightclub
-Renting Motorbikes
-Crossing the Atlas mountains
-Sahara desert
-West Sahara (occupied country)
-Traintrips to cities Fez or Casablanca

Leave "challenges" in the comment post and we'll make a voting poll. Anything goes!

For regular updates on our trip and on any challenges completed:
Twitter (@northboundndown)
Instagram (northboundanddown).

Monday, December 17, 2012

Unique Ipod design, last chance to win!

Branded for life

Anyone who subcribes to our blog or likes us on fb/twitter before christmas is in for a treat

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Åpnespis burka, مغرب here we come!

Our first shipment of sponsored goods has just arrived. With food and fresh water surviving in the Moroccan mountains should be possible.

     In abundance

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Getting Ready for Morocco

At this time of year most people get ready for Christmas, for the Northbound and down crew it’s all about preparation for our next epic adventure!

In a few weeks time were going to Morocco. We've rented motorbikes and will use them to trek over the Atlas mountains and down into the occupied country of West-Sahara. 

Looking forward to find our way through this mountain range

Sunday, December 9, 2012

White Anaconda

Winter has come, here is a little preview form a good old winter edit from some years back.
-Big hucks
-Flat landings
-Bad humour
-Powder... NOT
We proudly present: White Anaconda

White Anaconda from Northbound and down on Vimeo.

Iphone users: watch on youtube

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Norways most viewed travelblog

We are proud to announce that we have officially become Norways most viewed travelblog.
Thank you readers!
Check out the toplist and other travelblogs here: